Course | Beginner

Promote a business with content

Promote a business with content

What you will learn:

  • Get noticed with social media
  • Deep dive into social media
  • Make the most of video
  • Get started with content marketing

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Deep Dive into Social Media

Course | Beginner

Deep Dive into Social Media

An organised social media plan and strategy will go a long way in saving you time and energy. Become familiar with what social content works best, why advertising on social can be a powerful addition to your strategy, and how to measure success so that you can optimise future social content.

Get Noticed with Social Media

Course | Beginner

Get Noticed with Social Media

Everyone's on social media, so it makes sense for your business to be there too. Take advantage of popular social media networks by understanding why you need to be there, joining the right social media sites and growing your presence by engaging with your networks.

Get Started with Content Marketing

Course | Beginner

Get Started with Content Marketing

Content marketing is a great way to build trust and increase site traffic. In this topic, you'll learn how to write for online audiences, organise production and promotion, choose the right format based on your content, and track your content marketing success.

Introduction to LinkedIn Ads

Course | Beginner

Introduction to LinkedIn Ads

This course can help you better understand LinkedIn Marketing Solutions’ paid products. When you're done, you'll be able to create an ad campaign using LinkedIn’s native targeting, measure your success in Campaign Manager, and optimize your advertising goals.

Promote a Business With Online Advertising

Course | Beginner

Promote a Business With Online Advertising

We'll tell you how to create a successful advertising and marketing strategy, and explain how email marketing, video and display ads can help you reach and attract more of the right customers.

How to advertise on LinkedIn

Course | Beginner

How to advertise on LinkedIn

Connect your brand with the world’s largest audience of active, influential professionals. These five steps demonstrate how to run a self-service ad campaign on LinkedIn using Sponsored Content, Message Ads, Dynamic Ads, and Text Ads.

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