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Course | Beginner

X's Ads Manager Fundamentals

X's Ads Manager Fundamentals

X's Ads Manager is the all-in-one platform for activating campaigns on X. Building your competence with Ads Manager will help take your campaigns to the next level and reach your marketing objectives.

This course will teach you the essential tools and strategies to have you launching ads in no time.

By the end of this course, you will be able to

  • Utilize X's Ads Manager to plan, manage, and report on marketing campaigns by navigating its dashboard, managing creative assets, and employing Ads Editor tools effectively.
  • Implement targeted advertising strategies by selecting appropriate campaign objectives, optimizing audience reach through demographics and engagement tools, and establishing competitive budgets and bids for successful campaign execution.

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Promote a business with content

Course | Beginner

Promote a business with content

Take our free course to learn how to promote your business by using the power of content. Find out how tools like social media, video, and content marketing can help businesses get noticed and connect with more customers online.

Get Started with Content Marketing

Course | Beginner

Get Started with Content Marketing

Content marketing is a great way to build trust and increase site traffic. In this topic, you'll learn how to write for online audiences, organise production and promotion, choose the right format based on your content, and track your content marketing success.

Promote a Business With Online Advertising

Course | Beginner

Promote a Business With Online Advertising

We'll tell you how to create a successful advertising and marketing strategy, and explain how email marketing, video and display ads can help you reach and attract more of the right customers.

Become a Digital Marketing Specialist

Course | Beginner

Become a Digital Marketing Specialist

Use your analytical and tactical skills to help grow and develop new opportunities for businesses as a digital marketing specialist. From marketing plans and content strategy to SEO and analytics, this path guides you through the best practices and principles of digital marketing.

Deep Dive into Social Media

Course | Beginner

Deep Dive into Social Media

An organised social media plan and strategy will go a long way in saving you time and energy. Become familiar with what social content works best, why advertising on social can be a powerful addition to your strategy, and how to measure success so that you can optimise future social content.

Reporting and Analytics for LinkedIn Ads

Course | Beginner

Reporting and Analytics for LinkedIn Ads

Are you struggling each time you face the numbers? Wondering how to base your decisions on metrics? This course is great if you’re new to LinkedIn reporting tools or you want to improve your campaign analytics skills with tips and best practices. The course's main goal is to help you get the most ROI for your ad spend.

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