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Killing Marketing

Killing Marketing

Author: Joe Pulizzi and Robert Rose

ISBN-13: 978-1260026429

“Killing Marketing: How Innovative Businesses Are Turning Marketing Cost into Profit” by Joe Pulizzi and Robert Rose challenges conventional marketing wisdom by proposing a radical shift in how businesses approach marketing. The authors argue that traditional marketing strategies are outdated and ineffective, and instead, they advocate for a content-driven approach that transforms marketing from a cost center into a profit center. Through case studies and practical examples, Pulizzi and Rose demonstrate how businesses can create valuable content that not only engages customers but also generates revenue.

This book is essential reading for marketing professionals, business leaders, and entrepreneurs who are looking to innovate their marketing strategies and turn their marketing efforts into a source of profit. After reading “Killing Marketing,” readers should consider “Content Inc.” by Joe Pulizzi, which further explores how to build a business around content and create a loyal audience.

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